Create your own personalized photo with listing.How this works :You email your photo and the product title to the website at along with the shop name by ( the shop name ) and the website will create your photo product listing and you simply order it thru this shop. Price includes shipping cost. photo in this listing is for display purpose Puzzles are an all-time favorite activity and with your custom ideas, you can help youngsters have some quality time by solving their own personalized kid's puzzle. Available in a toddler-friendly 30-piece pack, each puzzle comes with large pieces and rounded corners for safety and parental peace of mind. Each puzzle is made with chipboard and comes with a reference photo for problem-solving. PRICE INCLUDES COST OF POSTAGE
.: Material: laminated chipboard
.: One size: 30-piece puzzle - 14" x 11" (35.6 x 28cm)
.: Rounded corners
.: Comes in a box with a reference photo
Image by [Creative Travel Projects / Shutterstock]